
29 questions/comments

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Question   Beautiful!!
Thank you for sharing your website. Your photographs captured incredible beauty that we so often miss in our daily hectic lives. You are a gifted artist and I look forward to returning to your website to enjoy more of your photographs.
Thank you.
Sherry Zengulis

- Sherry Zengulis October 26, 2011

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Question   Such Beautiful Work!!!
Hi Deborah, Just have to say what inspiring,beautiful images you capture. Just Beautiful!!!! Thanks for sharing them... Take care, Mike

- Mike R. Howe June 07, 2011

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Question   Beautiful Gallery
Hi Debby, you have such a variety of wonderful images. I really enjoyed looking around your site... I shall return... The portrait of you taken by Moose is beautiful !!!! Take care and keep up the good work.

- Mike R. Howe August 23, 2010

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Question   Beautiful!
Hi Debbie, I love your website and the lovely NJ landscape photos! Well done!

- Nancy de Flon January 12, 2010

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Question   fantastic photos
I just got around to look at your new website. The photos are marvelous. Even though they are mostly of birds and water, the composition, mood, and color in each is unique. You are certainly a great success.
I hope these are on display somewhere besides the internet. Each is a master peice.

- ilene rogers June 20, 2009

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Question   A beautiful slice of New Jersey
I just wanted to compliment you on a beautiful gallery of New Jersey photos. Being from Michigan, a similar type state, I do appreciate the slice of life images, plus your scenics. Keep posting new ones!

- Kevin Moss January 16, 2009

  Answer Kevin,

I admire your work and am truly honored by your visit and compliments.

Thank you so much!

- Deborah Lewinson  January 16, 2009

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Question   Love your gallery
Hi Debbie, You have so many wonderful pictures in your gallery. It motivates me to keep taking pictures . I can learn so much from you, just by looking a your pics. I hope to be as good as you are some day. New Jersey's wild life is so rich.

- Roxana McRoberts June 20, 2008

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Question   Your gallery
Debbie ,Your gallery is beautiful! Love it all. Will be visiting NJ in Aug.

- Cheryl E. Molennor May 24, 2008

  Answer Hi Cheryl,
Thanks for your lovely comment! Regarding your trip in August, you've got more opportunities for birds in Florida, but maybe we can go shoot some rolling hills and farms.

- Deborah Lewinson  May 24, 2008

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Question   AWESOME
Your photos are incredible. I guess my question would be "why are you taking a basics class?" Your website is fantastic. Everything is so well done and your photos are absolutely awesome. Now I have a new goal to take photos like you and put together a web site too. You comment on my one photo is so very important now that I've seen your web site. I'll be checking back to see if the swan photo shows up here. I hope so!

- Jan Herrick October 21, 2007

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Question   Beautiful Wildlife Images
Love all the wildlife images, Deborah! Great job! I'll be back later to look at the rest.

- Mike D. Perez October 14, 2007

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Question   looking for your new work
Debby, I am looking forward to see your new work. Please take look at my updated galleries whet you have a moment:

That your picture (with sculpture)creates interesting and kind of unusual mood.
Thank you.

-  August 27, 2007

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Question   Your photos
I just bought my first SLR camera and like you when you first started, after years of taking family snapshots I am trying to learn more! Maybe someday I can take pictures as beautifully as you! I begin my first BetterPhoto class Oct 3, I can't wait!

- Veronica S. McGinnity August 15, 2007

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Question   Fantastic work!
Debby, I came here from Betterphoto because I was so impressed with your work and I wanted to see more! I've now bookmarked this site. I'm surprised you call yourself an "amateur"--you are truly talented and skilled at this little hobby of yours! ;) Wishing you continued success!

- Colleen Farrell March 12, 2007

  Answer Thank you so much Collen!!!

I certainly appreciate your flattering comment and hope I can live up to it.

- Deborah Lewinson  March 16, 2007

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Question   Long time no see
Hi Debby,

I spotted your work again when I was wandering through some of the Premium Galleries. Then I wandered over to your Web Site.

Your work is truly awesome. The comments from people is staggering and well deserved.



-  March 10, 2007

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Question   Need a photo partner?
Seriously, your work is outstanding and I am very envious. If I can get to half of where you are now, I will die with an even larger smile on my face. Are you sure these images weren't made with a Canon DSLR? LOL---I'm in Delaware so if you are having any workshops or just need a companion to carry your equipment, give me a call. I would just like to know what you have forgotten! Your talent is on par and above some of the work I have seen by the legends in Nature Photography. God Bless

- Russell C. Amidon March 04, 2007

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Question   Website
Your website is astounding! It taught me how far I've yet to go. You have an amazing talent!
I love your work!

- Wayne T. Fisk December 26, 2006

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Question   Debby's Pictures
Dear Deb, I feel honored that you share your photos with me. I took only one course in photography during my graduate work, and find your beautiful shots as fascinating as every one explained to us by our instructor. Thank you. Love to all. Gladys Grody

-  October 22, 2006

  Answer Hi Gladys,
Your comments mean a lot to me.
Thank you so much!

- Deborah Lewinson  January 20, 2007

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Question   great pix
Dear Debby:

When I first saw your photography, I was quite impressed with it. But, now your pictures are truly professional and creative. I think the subjects, color, and composition are excellent. I enjoyed spending a lot of time looking at them over and over. Your web site is great. I'd like to know how you did that.

I will show the butterflies to my grandchildren who are especially facsinated with them now.

You have come a long way since we met when we were four, but you were always "focused."

love, ILENE

-  October 21, 2006

  Answer Thank you so much, Ilene!
I remember developing photos in your darkroom, just a few years ago!

- Deborah Lewinson  January 20, 2007

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Question   I"m Sorry - I viewed them three times
First - I viewed them for their beauty and was mesmerized by them
Second - I viewed them with what I thought would be an appropriate caption.
Third- I viewed them placing a humorous caption on them
Captivating, Inspirational,
Words fail to express how awesome this site is
These are truly works of Art
The world is a much better place because of you!!!!
P L E A S E keep sharing your talent.

-  April 01, 2006

  Answer Hi Steve,
Your comment is overwhelming! Now I really have to be good to aim for some truth in your accolades.
Thank you,

- Deborah Lewinson  January 20, 2007

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Question   amazing
Deb, I just went through your website....I couldn't help but notice how you captured the spirits and souls of wildlife. Particularly, the owl photos and even the eyes of the chipmunk. Your entire site has some amazing, breathtaking my favorite part....the note posted from your son.....WOW! To me that says it all! Congrats! (Melissa) I can't wait to see more during our year together in our course

- Melissa Heinemann April 01, 2006

  Answer Hi Melissa,
Your website is off to an amazing start. Thanks for your terrific comments!

- Deborah Lewinson  January 20, 2007

  Answer Deadly accurtae answer. You've hit the bullseye!

- Mauve Mauve  January 09, 2012

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